Jet 413411 MBS-1018-1 , 10 Inch x 18 Inch Horizonal Dual Mitering Bandsaw
JET Dual Mitering Horizontal bandsaws unique design head dual miters both left and right for quick angle cuts. The Frequency Inverter, unique to this saw, allows this EVS saw a full range of blade speeds.
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Model# 413411
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Jet 413411 Mitering Bandsaw Features:
- Heavy duty construction reduces vibration and deflection
- Built in, self propelled blade brush prevents chip build up in blade guides
- Blade tension gauge helps to ensure the blade is in the correct cutting position
- Magnetic starter for low voltage and lost phase protection
- Automatic blade breakage sensor detects accidental breakage and interrupts the power
- Power switch with safety key provents accidental start up
- CSA/CUS: Folloing strict guidelines and electrical requirements, this JET saw is CSA/CUS certifield
- Blade is fully guarded for Operator safety
- Automatic shut off switch stops the sawing process
- Hydraulic downfeed control is easily adjusted enabling feed rates to evolve with variable types of materials
- Intergrated ressurized wash hose for easy machine clean up
- Quick action vise on 10" saws
- Quick action vise on 10" saws
- Blade Tension Gauge
- Coolant System
- Adjustable material stop
- Intergrated ressurized wash hose for easy machine clean up
Jet 413411 Specifications:
- Cutting Capacity (W x D) (In.): 10" x 18"
- Round at 90 Degrees (In.): 10
- Round at 45 Degrees (In.): 10
- Rectangle at 90 Degrees (In.): 10" x 17"
- Rectangle at 45 Degrees (In.): 10 x 12
- Head Movement (Deg.): '45R ,60L
- Blade Size (In.): 1 x 0.032 x 144
- Blade Wheel Diameter (In.): 14-1/4
- Blade Speed (SFPM): 50, 125, 200, 275
- Bed Height (In.): '22-1/2
- Motor (HP): 2 HP 230V, 1 Phase
- Overall Dimensions (L x W x H) (In.): 79 x 36 x 46
- Weight (Lbs.): 1144
Model# | 413411 |
Apply Add To Quote | No |
Brand | Jet |
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